Samsung Pakistan has inaugurated an "Experience Zone" in Fortress Square Mall, Lahore. The ceremony was held on fourth of September. A few activities were conducted for engaging visitors and the victors were awarded Samsung products.
Samsung already have numerous "Experience Zone" in nation. Company's fundamental point of this venture is to give Samsung's quality products straightforwardly to clients. Experience Zone outlets are completely outfitted with helpful Samsung products and the assistants were prepared to convince clients and to provide important details to the clients identified with specific product.
SEE ALSO: SamsungGear S2
The idea of experience stores is related to marketing, every single top brand attempt to open their experience zone's in most visited shopping centers and markets. These store help clients to find all products at one spot for example your will find Smartphone’s, tablets, Laptops and cameras alongside different accessories of Samsung at Samsung's experience store. The interesting part is you get the expert guidance to the assistants which will help you to find the best product for your needs.