Microsoft Help Says Surface Pro 2 Firmware Fix Will Send On Jan.14

That is January's 'Patch Tuesday' for those keeping score at home. Microsoft help delegates have told Surface Pro 2 managers that a firmware overhaul will be issued Jan. 14 to cure numerous issues that sprung up after they introduced a comparable redesign a month prior.

Microsoft Help Says Surface Pro 2 Firmware Fix Will Send On Jan.14

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Jan. 14 is "Patch Tuesday," when Microsoft discharges its month to month security patches intended to suppress vulnerabilities. The organization also normally serves up non-security settles that day.

"Only got off a call with Surface help group and they affirmed that the new firmware will be discharged January 14," said somebody distinguished as Jackabite in a message on Microsoft's online help gathering Friday.

Others said they'd been advised to ring the date, as well.

"I simply did a talk with tech backing and they additionally affirmed the January 14 firmware discharge will settle the issues," composed ro050408 later that same day.

Phra Mick Ratanapanyo ringed in Sunday: "Got off the telephone with Microsoft Support today, affirmed Jan. 14 ... for now."

Then, Jaxbot, who also guaranteed to have been given the Jan. 14 date, forewarn clients with, "Take it with [a grain of] salt."

Win-beta was the first to investigate the Jan. 14 date springing up in Microsoft's help discussion. Microsoft not affirmed or denied the date, telling the site just that it might re-discharge the firmware overhaul "as quickly as time permits," the same ambiguous course of events it gave Computerworld and others two weeks prior.

Microsoft was inaccessible for remark late Sunday.

The organization discharged the definitive redesign on Dec. 10 - that month's Patch Tuesday - however Surface Pro 2 managers started griping very nearly quickly that their tablets were expending electric cell control much speedier than some time recently, declining to charge totally or declining to show charging advancement, and displaying odd conduct identified with slumber mode.

While some were enthusiastic about the sit tight for a fix, seeing the issues as a larger number of bothers than major issues, numerous were progressively disillusioned. Some said that they'd traded or gave back their tablets.

"The issue is that its been just about a month and no time period," said mattbeau. "I recently returned mine."

Firmware redesigns are particularly dangerous when they happen, as the code archived on an unit's non-unpredictable memory - the "firmware" - is obliged to adequately boot the gadget and control its parts some time recently, throughout and after the working framework loads. A broken firmware overhaul can effectively "block" an unit, or render it inoperable.

Other fittings merchants have confronted comparative issues in the wake of issuing firmware upgrades - last June, Sony pulled a Playstation 3 firmware upgrade when clients reported that their supports had been disabled - or working framework redesigns. Case in point, iphone possessors immersed Apple's help gathering with abbreviated electric storage device life objections after they introduced ios 6.1 in right on time 2013.

This article, Microsoft help tells Surface Pro 2 possessors firmware fix will send Jan. 14, was initially distributed at

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