Latest Information Technology in Pakistan: - NIB
Bank deployed Oracle Advanced Compression reduce their Oracle database storage
footprint, said Tuesday in a statement.
using Oracle Advanced Compression with Oracle Database, NIB Bank has reduced
its data storage requirements by 41 percent, its basic size of the backup data
by 5X and fast query performance critical banking system, said in a statement (Latest Information Technology in Pakistan).
Bank uses the Oracle database with Oracle Advanced Compression improve the
performance and scalability of its critical banking systems, while reducing
cost and complexity, the statement said, adding that the bank upgrade your
Oracle solution to ensure that it could maintain its expansion plans.
their Oracle Database environment improved the bank's ability to protect it
from costly human errors and reduce downtime associated with routine
maintenance, said in a statement.
addition, the use of self-management capabilities in Oracle Database, NIB Bank
helped lower operating costs, the statement added.