Google’s Matt Cutts: MetaFilter Hit By Previously Undisclosed Algorithm Filter

SEO Top Stories in Pakistan: - Last month, MetaFilter, a news and discussion site from back in the old days, told us she was hit by a Google penalty years ago that had a major impact on their business.
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We posted our theories and details of this penalty in our post called On MetaFilter penalized by Google: An Explainer.

Last night, at SMX Advanced, Matt Cutts, head of Google's search quality, certified MetaFilter was in fact of a previously known algorithm filters or click "Update" as they are often called. Such filters are a variety of websites that prevent Google ranking well.
For example, the Panda update goes to locations as "thin" have content as the Penguin update goes to spam (Stories of SEO in Pakistan).
What made filter MetaFilter? Google would not disclose that, just say that it's not Panda or any of the other known, called filters.
So despite the fact that I reported on an algorithmic update on November 17th, and Google would not confirm or deny it, Google is now confirmed it. More than a year and a half later, the update we saw on November 17, 2012 confirmed by Google.
Which algorithm was it? Google's Matt Cutts would not say. I know that many webmasters complaining about the update but those that were taken on 17 November, 2012 have no idea what changes they need to make their websites to reverse the course.
With Panda, Penguin, payday, Top Ad severity and other algorithms webmaster who can advise somewhere. If Google runs an algorithm is not confirmed, then webmasters who are affected by it, have no idea if they focus on the link issues page quality problems, too much advertising or something else. They have nowhere to turn.
More on this topic MetaFilter, you will see the name on MetaFilter penalized by Google: An Explainer.
Note: In an earlier version of this article wrote that Cutts had said that Google is working with MetaFilter to get free from the filter, making it trapped. This is wrong.
Cutts said that Google on the page that help trapped for a solution that MetaFilter and other false positives by this algorithm. Google has work not directly related to MetaFilter to them, but raises the work on its own, MetaFilter in response to the question situation.
Cutts also said in a tweet that a solution could come in the next "weeks or months" and stressed that MetaFilter was no "special counsel." We are sorry for this error.

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